Onyx One

Low Code Development Platform for workflow management: processes, models, and document management.
  • Fully customizable low-code platform
  • Compliant with multi-level security
  • Workflow and form management
Onyx One

What did the client expect?

  • Citizen developers

    Replace an old system needing constant tweaks to every client’s need with a workflow-based, fully customizable platform by citizen developers.
  • WYSIWYG workflow management

    Citizen developers are able to create workflows for any client and make the process working right away, allowing them to impress clients since the first meeting.
  • Fully customizable forms

    A form management system built on enhanced uniforms.tools package allows creating sophisticated forms easily, with a drag-and-drop interface.

How did we navigate the client to success?

We were involved since the initial stage of architecture design, advising, and consulting. We investigated existing software solutions available on the market to speed up development. Exploration pointed out the possibility of connecting to the Camunda Business Process Management System to create complex BPMN workflows.
The goal of the new web app was to give the admin the flexibility to create any form with extensive business logic and any workflow efficiently.
Afterward, we created a separate web app for the end-users to fulfill, submit, and track documents in accordance with the given process flow.
Using our open-source package uniforms (https://www.vazco.eu/case-studies/uniforms) - React library for building forms from any schema - at the early stages as the main engine, let us deliver Proof-of-Concept very soon. We used uniforms as a basis for a new framework tailored for citizen developers. Camunda manages the process design - workflow management - and provides process flow input.
Based on Camunda output, we built a separate application - “Qualification Builder,” which enables:
  • connecting even several workflows to the form
  • linking forms between each other so to make use of data in other processes
  • creating fields from a predefined list of basic fields
  • designing a layout using drag & drop on each step of the process
  • managing roles & permissions of process actors
  • testing and publishing forms
As soon as the form is published, defined users with given permissions might start an instance in a separate application: “Qualification Dashboard.”
As a team of 3 full-stack developers, QA, and a product owner, we worked in a complete Scrum framework with Onyx. The development process was divided into 2-week sprints with all required events: planning, backlog refinement, daily stand-ups, demo & retro.
We played as one team with Onyx on a daily basis, constantly clarifying the product's vision.
In a few months, we released an MVP and started to test the solution on actual end-users and Onyx business partners. The project is ongoing, reaching more and more extensive processes and forms built on hundreds of fields and multiple steps. We managed to build an augmented team with developers and QA from Onyx as well, setting goals and facing the following challenges together.

What did we achieve?

In the project’s first phase, we focused on building the form editor integrated with Camunda and the Dashboard to handle filling out forms by end-users and monitoring process flows on a Kanban dashboard. We decided to move faster using a web version only but still adjusted to mobile users. Meanwhile, we enhanced the use of Camunda in the system's logic - it became a brain connecting all Onyx apps and databases, including the former system, with the actual business process and specific fields of forms in our app. The new system was released to live users as an extension of the former system. On the one hand, Onyx is now able to flexible changes the flow of business processes and create newly sophisticated models. On the other hand, there is still one source of data for the end-users - there was no change for data migration, which always causes a risk of losing data integrity.

  • Customizable app

    Customizable by non-technical employees (citizen developers) without coding.
  • Shortening the time to market

    Onyx delivers value to its clients much faster, responding to their changing needs.
  • Extend the old system

    Seamless swap for minimal disruption to live users.

Project deliverables

How did the client perceive our partnership?

Vazco is a company that tries to think about how we can benefit as a company. We like to be very transparent in our communication, and they are open to feedback. For us, this is the perfect way to create a top-notch team, and that is what we have.

Geert Peter de Oude

Founder & Chief Executive Officer

Create a workflow management platform used by many global enterprises just like Onyx One did