Strategic AI Consulting

Use cost-effective AI solutions within your products and business.
Let our consulting services guide you through the AI revolution.

AI Revolution – simplified

Explore essential topics for businesses aiming to harness AI.

We unpack our most relevant insights in the sections that follow.

  • AI chat

    Build your custom chatbots

    Transform customer service with out-of-the-box solutions for increased efficiency and competitive advantage
  • Use AI capabilities efficiently

    Learn how to use AI capabilities to optimize your product or business and improve the value offer.
  • Speed up the software development process

    Streamline the efficiency of Software Developers, Product/Project Managers, and Scrum Masters.

Build your custom chatbots

Transform customer service with AI-driven chat solutions. We build and asses chat infrastructures that engage customers, streamline service efficiency and drive conversions. We have out-of-the-box solutions that increase chatbot efficiency.
Integrate the following with our help:
✅ Client-facing chatbots
✅ AI-reinforced knowledge base
✅ Chat-based process automation
✅ Agent-based content marketing

Let's discuss building your AI chatbot cost-efficiently

Zwolnieni z Teorii

Polandflag of Poland
The mentoring chat tool is trained to offer practical support to complete paperwork significantly faster.
✅ Combined OpenAI’s API and our renowned React library
✅ Delivered a Proof of Concept in 27 hours - won the Hack to The Rescue hackathon
✅ Acted as strategic AI advisors and consultants
✅ Developed the solution in 2 months
Children being tutored by a volunteer

Develop a strategy to integrate AI into your product or business

Almost all our clients utilize AI capabilities, though most do not advertise this fact. Understanding how AI can revolutionize your industry and planning accordingly is crucial. Otherwise, you risk being left behind.
Our consultants will advise you on the following:
✅ Which AI solutions are around the corner in your industry
✅ How to use AI capabilities to optimize your business and improve your value offer
✅ How to use AI solutions cost-effectively
✅ Which AI solutions are NOT worth investing in

Learn how to use AI to improve your value offer


Tech & Innovation
United States
A machine learning mobile app that assists salespeople in acquiring new contacts and accelerating sales.
✅ The app seamlessly integrates CRMs with AI capabilities through machine learning.
Blockchain technology ensures data integrity by synchronizing information across the community of sellers.
✅ Developed in 2015, before the ChatGPT era

Use AI to speed up the software development process

Our consultants can advise you on integrating AI tools to streamline your processes. Accelerate your developers' productivity, streamline Product Manager workflows, and achieve the best speed and quality in delivering value.
We can advise you on:
State-of-the-art AI capabilities you can leverage in your internal processes today.
✅ Strategies for AI-driven data analysis to unlock insights from your data, enhancing decision-making and identifying new opportunities.
✅ Tailored AI assistants that will reduce manual tasks, freeing up your development and QA teams to focus on innovation and strategic initiatives.
✅ Methods to foster an AI-ready culture within your organization, ensuring that your team is prepared and excited to adopt new technologies.

Empower your team to complete work faster

Join companies who’ve trusted our AI expertise


Machine learning algorithms significantly optimize efficiency by predicting future bookings from past reservations.
Mother helping her child in online learning. CET (The Center for Educational Technology) logo

HendrX (CET)

Introducing HendrX GPT led to smoother and faster software development work.


85% cost reduction and 75% faster delivery in an innovative project that uses AI vision.


Decentralized data & intelligent sales system powered by blockchain and AI - back in 2015!
CTO in the office, using a computer

CTO Compass

Our flagship example on using AI chatbot as a coach for more effective product development and CTO support
Graduate. ZWZT logo

Zwolnieni z Teorii

AI mentoring chat tool for an innovative educational NGO won Hack to the Rescue 2023
A student reading a book on their laptop. BookLens logo


Digital semantic book reader empowered by generative AI creates up to 7 layers of abridged book versions

Our clients' recommendations

They are great advisors - even a single consultation can be of great value to your project.
Victor Sabatier

Victor Sabatier

CTO & Founder of Campus Skills
What I value most in Vazco is the way they combine technical expertise with business understanding.

Eli Geoffroy

Chief Product Officer at aleno
Their technical expertise and process to conduct the audit in a short time frame were world-class performance.

Olivier Cognet

Managing Director of Compp.ia

Haven't found the right topic for your business?

We're great at finding the right problem-solution fit.

From initial concept to full-scale integration, we’re here to provide an answer to your unknown unknowns. Let’s navigate the intricacies of AI and adapt them to your situation – cost-efficiently, focusing on ROI.

  • Cost-effective AI solutions

    worth integrating with your product or business to empower your value offer
  • Optimizing product development

    by fully utilizing AI tools' powerful capabilities to enhance your team's performance
  • Planning your innovations

    with the use of deep AI solutions with our proven partner companies and top experts

Let’s discuss your company’s potential to implement AI solutions

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